BusinessThe Difference Between Tech Support and Aligning Technology with Your Business | Fuse Technology Group | Detroit & Michigan

September 23, 2021

When you hear the term “tech support,” or “IT services,” or even “business IT,” what impression does it bring to mind? For a lot of people, it’s the person or people you call when your computer is broken. There are a lot of Michigan IT companies that charge a lot of money to simply offer that service. They keep the computers running, but take little to no accountability for making sure that the solutions you have in place are actually driving your business forward.

IT should be more than just fixing issues when they arise. IT should be more than keeping your updates updated and your network secure. You didn’t invest in all of those computers and software just to make the office look pretty, they need to perform for you and your staff, and actually help you get more done.

Let’s explore what a company that turns to a provider like us can expect from our services.

What is Business IT Support?

True business IT support, while it does have to do with supporting your technology, involves much more than basic IT services. In actuality, it’s primarily about using technology to meet your business goals.

The technology aspect is really just a tool that helps accomplish that aspect of it all. In order to accomplish this goal, it creates a strategy for your business (and by extension, its technology) to adhere to:

  • Maintain Uptime – In order for a business to really be successful, it needs to be able to reliably carry out its operations. Technology that frequently experiences downtime is hardly conducive to this goal, so strategizing a way to avoid this downtime makes sense.
  • Enhance Security – It’s no secret that businesses are regularly targeted by cybercriminals. Protecting your business will now require an assortment of technologies and programs designed to keep it safe… but this assortment will need to be maintained.
  • Improve Communications – As the “telephone game” proves so effectively, it can be too easy for communications to fail. The right solutions can help prevent this outcome from happening within a business.
  • Establish Procedures – Organization and productivity require consistency, especially as they are repeated over time, as well as security. The business’ needs should dictate how the technology is used, instead of having to adjust to a tool’s limitations.

By establishing this strategy, your business can take advantage of today’s available technology as an income generator without undermining your organizational security, all while you maintain your focus on operations.

What Does This Look Like?

For a perfect example about how it’s more about the business operations and less about the technology, just consider the work we did with Jartll Corp, a network of four optometry practices. We encourage you to read the whole account, but the gist of it is that the optometrist needed a serious network upgrade. Once this was accomplished, we continued monitoring and maintaining their new environment.

Alternatively, you can see similar results in our work with LaVasseur Dyer & Associates, P.C., a law firm that continues to rely on us and our services.

What Could IT Support Take Off My Plate?

There is a wide assortment of benefits that businesses can see from IT support, particularly when we are providing it. For instance:

  • 1. Server Support

Your business’ servers are its nervous system… without them, nothing happens. Most businesses, however, tend to underutilize their servers. Beyond just making sure your servers are performing well, we also ensure that they are dishing out the proper permissions and security policies that keep your business operating smoothly without getting in the way of your users.

  • 2. Onsite Support as Needed

Have a problem that no amount of time on the phone or remote remediation can fix? We’ll show up in person to fix the problem.

  • 3. Cloud Backup Services

Your business needs its data, so you shouldn’t trust it to anything less than the best backup option. Right now, that option is the cloud.

  • 4. Telecommunication Outage Remediation

Telephones remain an integral part of business communications, so unavailable service is unacceptable, particularly in regards to mobile devices. We’ll work to get you reconnected.

  • 5. Software Updates and Support

Software updates are more important than many people treat them, as they often patch vulnerabilities that could lead to serious problems. This is why an IT Assessment is a critical first step. We’ll maintain the tools you use and help you use them to the fullest.

  • 6. 24/7 Phone and Email Support

If you have a problem, you can reach us for assistance in solving it. We’re available by phone or by email at all hours, because IT issues don’t keep a predictable schedule.

  • 7. Online Protection

As useful as the Internet is to businesses, it is just as useful to threats. We’ll make sure you have the antivirus and other solutions to protect your business operations.

  • 8. Hard Disk Data Recovery

Data is effectively a new form of social currency, so losing it can be disastrous to your business. We can help you get it back efficiently.

  • 9. Cabling and Infrastructure Planning

Whether you’re renovating your current space or moving into a new one, we’ll be there to ensure it is outfitted to serve you well.

  • 10. Staff Training

Your team is your business’ greatest asset and often its biggest liability when it comes to cybersecurity. Instead of relying on your team using their best guesses, we can give them the skills to recognize phishing, ransomware, and other types of cyber threats.

  • 11. CIO Services and IT Roadmapping

We saved the big one for last. Larger organizations often hire internal IT staff, and in turn, hire a C-level position to control and manage everything related to IT. While that usually isn’t in the cards for smaller businesses, you can get the same benefit by outsourcing these high-level tasks to a company like us. This is different from working with a level 1 or 2 IT technician. While technicians would be handling your day-to-day support, your account manager would serve the role of a virtual CIO that understands your business goals and meets with you regularly to go over your business goals and align your technology with them.

This is what truly makes us stand out from other IT support companies. Sure, we can help solve your one-off IT problems, but the real value is the marriage between your business goals and your technology.

Want to Know More About What We Can Do?

Just give us a call and ask. We’re always happy to help answer any questions you may have about how we can help your business accomplish more with the help of reliable and efficient technology solutions. Call us at 248.545.0800 today.


Located in Ferndale, Fuse Technology Group is the premier provider of Business IT Services. Providing business computer support to hundreds of clients in Detroit, Troy, Southfield, Royal Oak, Birmingham and throughout the state of Michigan.


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    If you wish to receive our latest news in your email box, just subscribe to our newsletter. We won’t spam you, we promise!


      Located in Ferndale, Fuse Technology Group is the premier provider of Business IT Services. Providing business computer support to hundreds of clients in Detroit, Troy, Southfield, Royal Oak, Birmingham and throughout the state of Michigan.

      Copyright © 2025 – Fuse Technology Group, Inc.