Studies show that up to 90 percent of businesses fail after experiencing a significant data loss. It’s important to backup onsite, but that’s not nearly enough to safeguard your business. It’s critical to back up your most important data to offsite servers. Yes, you can find remote backup services on the Internet, but they typically let you down and can negatively affect your business. They aren’t maintained properly. They break down and nobody tells you. Your staff loses time, dollars and valuable data. Fuse Vault won’t let that happen.
These are the principles behind Fuse Vault and what makes our remote backup service superior. We understand that all technology must be maintained properly. That’s especially true of remote backup services entrusted to protect your data. Fuse manages your data, maintains data integrity and constantly monitors it to ensure it is working properly.
We take monitoring seriously — and to the extreme. Our live monitoring system alerts our highly trained engineers through text and email the instant there’s a failure in the system. As an added precaution, the status of your remote backup stays front and center at the Fuse office. It’s always visible on our wall of plasma screens and if there’s any issue, the system immediately alerts our team of network engineers.
Safeguarded data using 448-bit encryption with data duplication & compression
Open/Locked File Support
Fuse Vault can back up any open file in any operating system
Restore Options
Search archived data and chose specific versions by date
Cross Platform
Runs on practically every operating system from Windows and Mac to Linux
Bandwidth Throttling
Can be customized based on your parameters without compromising bandwidth
Closely Monitored
We monitor applications and services to avoid costly downtime or loss of essential data