If you’re like many organizations you ordered your Cable Internet a relatively long time ago, and it’s just been there ever since. Behind the scenes however technology has been improving with the cable providers allowing them to produce even faster speeds to your office. In some cases you could receive a faster speed at an even lower price!
What Do I Have To Do?
That’s simple, just call your cable Internet provider give them your account number and ask if there are faster speeds available! It’s truly that simple.
Does it Cost More?
If you have had your Cable internet for a while, in most cases upgrading the speed won’t cost anything at all, they may even lower your bill. However if you choose the fastest they have, that would come with a cost.
Most cable Internet providers are not going to proactively call you and tell you a faster speed is available at a cheaper price, hence why a call is warranted.
Don’t feel like calling them?
We will be happy to do it for you. Just supply your Fuse representative with your account number and we will bring the options to you.
The Short:
- Your Cable Provider potentially has faster speeds at lower prices.
- All you need is your account number.
- Call your internet service provider, and ask.
- Then they increase your speed and possibly lower your price. That’s IT!
Things to Consider:
- The Cable company may need to provide you with a new modem (usually there is no additional charge for this)
- If you have static IPs, you’ll want to verify that they are not changing.
- If a new modem is required it may require a visit from your technician.