Model TTechnologyIs Your Custom App Going the Way of the Model T? | Fuse Technology Group | Detroit & Michigan

September 3, 2021
When the Model T came out, it was cutting edge. It did everything necessary, at the time, to travel far and wide. It was the pinnacle of American industry. Now, imagine driving a Model T today?

In comparison with today’s cars, it lacks many features that we have come to know as standard, such as seatbelts, (satellite) radio, air bags, heat/air conditioning, power windows and color choice. Perhaps you splurged for the optional windshield though. Seems hard to imagine but, for a moment, let’s set those features and usability items of the Model T to the side.

Now let’s speak to the absolute core of the car: it’s frame and its engine. These are the very things that allow it to do its most basic function of driving. When examining the engine and the parts required to just drive the car, we must ask ourselves some very fundamental questions, but asked in today’s era, in the year 2021:

  1.  How available are parts for the Model T, can you go to any auto store and pick up parts for a Model T?
  2. Is there an abundance of manufacturers producing parts for the vehicle?
  3. Is there an abundance of mechanics who have the know-how, or who are willing to work on the Model T?
  4. When looking at a mechanics resume, how many out there actually have hands on experience working on a model T?
  5. When a mechanic is in training school, are institutions actually training on how to repair and maintain a model T?

One answer can cover all five of these questions and that answer is NO! This means there are negative ramifications for owners of a Model T.

  1. Parts are harder to find.
  2. Parts are more expensive.
  3. Experienced Model T mechanics, become difficult to find.
  4. Maintenance becomes more expensive due to parts and labor being so scarce, thus the rule of supply and demand!
“Stay with me, you are probably wondering why an IT company is writing about Model T’s. You will soon understand, but first, some necessary change to terms 😊.”

Mechanics = Programmers

Parts = Code and Technology

While this may be a very motor-city comparison, the Model T and your custom application share the exact same circumstances. While at its core, your custom application may get the job done, time is slowly eating away at your application. As time passes the foundation of your application is fading away. New engine parts are emerging, mechanics are no longer being trained to repair broken parts, even the roads have changed. With the lack of parts and diagnostic equipment it takes more time to implement even the smallest change to your Model T, I mean your application. We all know more time means more money! Your Model T/application also runs the risk of no longer being able to find mechanics to willing (or able) to work on it! In that case, a new car/application must be built which can be a huge expense on its own!

The most common issues that arise if you allow your Model T/ Application to be eroded by time:

  1. Security – An app which has not been touched may rely on software which has security issues
  2. Updates become harder – The older an app is, the harder it is for developers to work on them
  3. Compatibility – Older apps may use outdated techniques, which browsers/OSs may no longer support
  4. Speed – Older apps run on older platforms, and newer platforms are typically more reliable and perform better

Of course, when had your application written, you thought this will be self-contained and last forever. The harsh reality to face is that is absolutely not true! Applications must be maintained behind the scenes so they do not fall into the “set it and forget it” category. We recommend your application be maintained indefinitely. We all know it’s not sexy to change a piston that no one can see, or to replace a starter. However, these are items that must be done!

It is absolutely imperative to have someone constantly checking under the hood, changing the oil, and updating parts to make certain your application will not only stand the test of time, but also stay with the times itself!


Located in Ferndale, Fuse Technology Group is the premier provider of Business IT Services. Providing business computer support to hundreds of clients in Detroit, Troy, Southfield, Royal Oak, Birmingham and throughout the state of Michigan.


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      Located in Ferndale, Fuse Technology Group is the premier provider of Business IT Services. Providing business computer support to hundreds of clients in Detroit, Troy, Southfield, Royal Oak, Birmingham and throughout the state of Michigan.

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