The Importance of Internet Security
Regardless of what seems to be a consistent news stream of incidents where hackers crack into businesses to cause harm, steal information, or disrupt daily operations, there are still organizations who are asking “What does it matter if someone uses my Wi-Fi?” So we wanted to go over the potential risks that open up to those who have not yet secured their internet connections.
Unsecured Networks
Let’s start off with what we would consider an unsecured network: an unsecured network can usually be easily defined as a network that does not require any credentials to use your gateway to the Internet. Okay, so what’s the big deal if I don’t require a password?
Potential Risks
- Password and Website Traffic can be captured
- Company Data compromised
- Client/ Customer personal information can be stolen
- Legal repercussion for negligence
When your Wi-Fi is left unsecure, you leave yourself open to the possibility of a malicious savvy user to access and disturb your systems. Once someone enters your network, they can capture your email correspondences and website traffic logs. This means that they can gather client information, how and where your website traffic is coming from, and tarnish your image by collecting personal information.
Integrity of Data and safety of your network
Here’s where things start to become dangerous potentially costing your organization money and legal problems. Once someone has tapped into your network, it is very easy for them to start collecting data that you store; such as client profiles, customer’s personal information, and even damage the computers in your office.
Not only is it dangerous and insecure for someone to have your customer’s information, you can also be held negligible for not taking precautions to guard against such attacks. Personal information, and the privacy you apply to your customers has been highlighted in recent years throughout the news and is now a trending concern in the market place. In response to this outbreak, courts have established a number of rulings that could cost your organization serious trouble and damage to your reputation if you are not taking the proper precautions with your security.
Additionally, Spam and Virus deployment can become another major concern. Your technology is potentially a large investment for your organization, and viruses can cause harm to your systems that at the very least will require some sort of service to remove and secure your network. Even if you do not hold an abundance of technology, any of your files that may become corrupted or destroyed in the process took time to create and more than likely money paid to employees.
The Simple Solution
To avoid all the headaches that can occur if someone accesses your network to do malicious activity, setting up a secure network with industry standard security protocols can remove the risk and the potential legal liabilities associated with an unsecured network.
If you need help developing and deploying a safe and secure network, contact Fuse with the form below to see what this process would entail for your organization.[inbound_forms id=”5740″ name=”First-Last-Email”]