BusinessTech Terminology: The Dark Web | Fuse Technology Group | Detroit & Michigan

August 28, 2019

Deep web and dark web. What’s the difference? Perhaps you’ve been using these words interchangeably. The dark web has a reputation for being the most toxic place on the internet, and for quite a few good reasons. Today we will dive deep into the dark web and why this reputation has been formed.


What Is the Deep Web?

Before we are able to discuss the dark web, we must first glance at what the deep web is. By definition, the deep web is “the portion of the Internet that is hidden from conventional search engines, as by encryption; the aggregate of unindexed websites.” What does this mean to you? The deep web is just hidden information; in general things you want to be hidden. It’s content such as your personal email account, or a corporation’s private database. Essentially, anything you need to log in to see is considered the deep web. The deep web is extremely important for protecting our personal information, and our privacy.


Shed Some Light on the Dark Web

This is the place where things start to get dark. This is the part of the World Wide Web that is only accessible by means of special software, allowing users and website operators to remain anonymous or untraceable. The dark web isn’t illegal to access, but the reality of the dark web, anonymity can create a dangerous environment.


Want to hire a hacker? How about a bounty hunter? Don’t worry, nearly any illicit item or service you could dream up is on the dark web! The dark web is basically a big shopping mall, where you can add things you’d ordinarily get arrested for adding to your basket. Hit-men, drug dealers; it’s all there. You can even pay a fee to buy stolen credit card numbers that were taken in big cybersecurity breaches like we saw with Marriot and Equifax.


Now, we aren’t saying anyone who uses the dark web are thieves or people looking to hire a killer. Some people are just obsessed with anonymity. Others prefer anonymity for business reasons. Journalists use the dark web to protect sources.


Your Business Could Be at Risk

We strongly suggest staying away from the dark web, as it can be a risk to your business. Accessing it via special software leaves you vulnerable to cyber attacks. Do not take the threat to your business that is posed by accessing the dark web lightly. Concerned your business’ data is already accessible via the dark web?


” Fuse Technology Group can help you find out. To learn more, contact our experts at 248.545.0800. “



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      Located in Ferndale, Fuse Technology Group is the premier provider of Business IT Services. Providing business computer support to hundreds of clients in Detroit, Troy, Southfield, Royal Oak, Birmingham and throughout the state of Michigan.

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