TechnologyWhy a Custom Application May Be Right for a Detroit Business’ Needs | Fuse Technology Group | Detroit & Michigan

July 1, 2021

Don’t get us wrong: out-of-the-box software can be very useful for a wide variety of workplace applications, but there are those times that a custom solution would serve your needs better. Making this investment can provide your business with an assortment of benefits. Let’s take a few moments to review some of the most impactful ones that you should keep in mind.

Why Would I Consider a Custom-Made Application?

As its name suggests, custom-made or custom-built applications are applications created from the ground up specifically for your business. While commercial applications are designed to provide benefits to as many businesses as possible, they do so by sacrificing some level of customization. If you feel that your current out-of-box software solution isn’t providing your organization the level of service you need without demanding you compromise your standards, then custom-made applications may be for you.

Custom-built applications are designed to increase your organization’s productivity by automating labor-intensive tasks or improving the way you communicate with your customers. Custom-created applications can save your business time and resources, both of which streamlines processes and increases your bottom line. If you’re using multiple applications to complete your project or constantly utilizing third-party applications to provide functionality, your organization may benefit from custom development to integrate everything together.

At Fuse, we’ve built all kinds of applications, including:

  • Responsive Web Applications
  • Desktop Applications
  • Custom Mobile Applications (Android and iOS)
  • Custom Database Design
  • Cloud Apps
  • Business Automation
  • Integrations with existing applications

Not sure if custom-built applications are right for you?

Let’s go over some of the biggest advantages that custom-made software can deliver to your operations.

  • A Healthy Return on Investment: While a customized software solution may sound like a pricy option, it is important to also recognize that the benefits of custom software typically include a significant return on investment. Analyzing the comparative returns of custom software versus prebuilt software, custom software can often pay for itself over time. Look at it this way, if integration can save five individuals about 20 percent of their time, then the application will essentially be “worth” the cost of a full employee. These are broad numbers just for the sake of our example, but depending on the impact an application can have, it can greatly reduce the workload of an employee (or multiple employees) to allow them to get more done.
  • Scalability: Businesses and their needs will change over time, which makes the fact that custom software can be designed to be scalable a big benefit. Corresponding to the advantage above, your ROI tends to increase as you scale upwards too. Let’s say the department that utilizes the software doubles in size over a few years. The value that your custom application provides you will also scale up, as it saves each user a portion of their time.
  • Security: Unlike prebuilt software solutions, any particular security requirements that must be in place can be integrated into the software itself. Prebuilt software is supposed to be secure and typically is, provided that the developer continues to support it. You have more control with your own software, and although the responsibility to keep it updated and secure is yours, most custom software tends to be more secure since you are the only one using it.
  • Compatibility: Organizations famously rely on a wide variety of solutions, which makes it very useful to have these tools play nicely with one another. Custom software makes it a lot easier to accomplish this. For example, your Customer Relationship Management software might not directly tie in with your billing software, but this can usually be accomplished with a custom application.
  • Simplicity in Support: Stay with us here, but a custom software solution is often a lot simpler to use and support. It’s designed to exactly what you need, without any options you don’t want.

What We Can Offer Detroit Businesses Through Our Custom Application Development

We’re here to help businesses create the tools they need for their optimum levels of success.

We have a wide range of experience, including transferring Access and Excel data into the creation of web-based applications. We’ve given C-level figures in companies simple dashboards that aggregate data in real-time, and created apps to help sales teams prevent losses due to handwriting discrepancies. One of our specialties is to help make multiple systems communicate with one another, integrating different processes and procedures into a single workflow.

While custom software isn’t right for every organization, we can help you determine if your business will benefit from it. If out-of-box software isn’t a perfect fit for your goals, find out more about our custom-built applications and what we can enable you to do by reaching out to us at 248-545-0800.


Located in Ferndale, Fuse Technology Group is the premier provider of Business IT Services. Providing business computer support to hundreds of clients in Detroit, Troy, Southfield, Royal Oak, Birmingham and throughout the state of Michigan.


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    If you wish to receive our latest news in your email box, just subscribe to our newsletter. We won’t spam you, we promise!


      Located in Ferndale, Fuse Technology Group is the premier provider of Business IT Services. Providing business computer support to hundreds of clients in Detroit, Troy, Southfield, Royal Oak, Birmingham and throughout the state of Michigan.

      Copyright © 2025 – Fuse Technology Group, Inc.